Operational and management processes as well as implemented and in progress ones are executed in full compliance with the Code of Ethics that the company has established and intends to honor and pursue in its path. The keywords of PANGEA DEVELOPMENT LDA strategy are innovation, quality, safety, sustainability, environmental protection and social commitment. These remarkable values make the company a model of excellence inspired by the highest safety standards on work, by transparency, fair action and responsability, by the respect and guarantee of human rights. Fiduciary relationship and sustainable development models allow the company to operate in foreign lands with prot and human quality

Exporting a model of g r o w t h m e a n s entrepren e u r i a l p l a n n i n g but also human sensitivity and a great sense of responsibility. According to PANGEA DEVELOPMENT LDA’s policy, activities undertaken abroad represent both an opportunity and a burden. Far from being just prot and business they mean cooperation, integration and pluralism.

The strategic vision of the company moves from the identication of an integrated and systemic method that aims to create values, to promote local development, community growth, excellence and quality interventions. The search for the greater level of competitiveness is combined consistently with an approach whose purpouse is creating a long-lasting partnerships with the territories in which it operates