Pangea LDA development

PANGEA DEVELOPMENT LDA PANGEA DEVELOPMENT LDA company is a professional reality, with synergistic and specialist skills in the Oil & Gas sector, in environmental management, in the area of Energy and Ecology. The principal objective of the Company is to be a solid and qualied support for customers, partners and stakeholders, guaranteeing integrated services and representing a model of excellence and a unique landmark in terms of exibility, innovation and effciency. PANGEA DEVELOPMENT LDA was born by the clear and rm will of the Italian Company PANGEA S.R.L., which holds 95% of the shares, in order to project their skills also abroad, giving rise to international investments structuring itself as a company with an international vocation. This global vocation has led to the implementation of a plan of investments in Southeast Africa, in Mozambique, where works and activities related to the sector of Oil & Gas (the core business of the Company) have been planned.



PANGEA DEVELOPMENT LDA is supported by ve leading companies, their know how and skills in the Oil & Gas sector:

The aforementioned companies possess technical, managerial and organizational skills acquired in over 50 years of activity and for decades engaged in the Oil & Gas sector, a sector that is now a driving force in the Val D’Agri, an economic factor of fundamental importance in the regional and national context.